作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在工程
10 Years 的经验

Joao是一名人工智能开发人员,在宝洁等财富100强公司工作了10多年 & Gamble and startups in the healthcare, energy, and finance industries. Joao拥有波尔图大学计算机科学硕士学位,并拥有机器学习和深度学习方面的多项认证.




HearstProcter & Gamble

曾与医疗保健等主要行业的数据和技术打交道, energy, finance, and supply chains for more than a decade, Toptal AI开发者若昂·迪奥戈·德·奥利维拉对AI的实际应用有着独特的综合视角. 在过去的六年里, he has focused on AI and 机器学习 (ML), tackling the field’s most critical areas: prediction models, 计算机视觉 (CV), 自然语言处理 (NLP), and large language models (LLMs) like GPT.

这个广泛的Q&A是最近一个“问我任何问题”风格的Slack论坛的总结,在这个论坛上,de Oliveira回答了来自世界各地Toptal其他工程师关于人工智能的问题. It starts with the most important current and future applications of AI for modern 业务es然后向技术人员提出更高级的人工智能和机器学习问题.


Understanding the Current and Future Impact of AI

Based on your experience, what are the primary applications and benefits of 医疗保健中的人工智能? What do you see as the future of 医疗保健中的人工智能?


AI is already extremely embedded into healthcare. 幸运的是(以我的经验), funding isn’t always a problem in healthcare, so there is great potential for future AI innovation. 在最新的研究成果中,我发现最吸引人的是将深度学习用于 药物发现 (e.g., 鉴定抗菌分子). 虽然这是严格意义上的化学, it will have many applications in healthcare, and I believe it will give a huge boost to the future of humankind. However, 我担心的一个问题是,这一领域的许多法规和审批程序进展如此缓慢,尤其是与人工智能相比.

Can you elaborate on the limits of AI predictive analytics? 你更喜欢哪种算法和技术来进行人工智能预测分析和最佳估计准确性?


That’s an interesting and tough question. 关于限制, 我认为在我们预测某事之前, 我们应该分析它是否可预测,以及所需的数据是否可用. 我们很容易相信我们可以用人工智能预测一切,但不幸的是,我们还没有做到这一点. Regarding preferred algorithms, I have a keen interest in 神经网络,但我认为 决策树 are also great when solving specific problems (e.g.,回归分析).

人工智能当前应用的图表, 比如SEO和聊天机器人, 以及未来的应用, such as healthcare innovation and 生成的人工智能 advances.
Examples of Current and Future Applications of AI

你如何看待NLP、AI和CV等技术对搜索引擎排名的影响? For example, how does ChatGPT affect SEO?


我认为在短期内, we will see some smart individuals and companies using NLP, LLMs, and statistics to analyze—and keep an eye on—the competition. There are many great articles on this topic; for example, this one discusses how to 关注竞争对手 使用谷歌巴德. 从长远来看, 我相信这些工具和实践将变得更加普遍,每个人都可以使用, 公平竞争.

你对……有什么看法 新型人工智能芯片 由AMD发布? 它会给计算带来革命吗?


我知道这是个无聊的答案, 但我认为我们还没有足够的数据来证明这种芯片是否真的会给计算带来革命性的变化. However, 一个更有见地的笔记, 当我看到这个公告时,我很高兴,因为它给其他人工智能芯片带来了竞争——我不认为垄断对任何人都有好处.

I’m seeing the current AI hype about how 人工智能将彻底改变我们的生活它似乎会继续存在,并有可能加速未来的创新. 你认为应该在高中教授哪些人工智能的绝对基础知识?


很好的问题. I believe we definitely need to start preparing to teach 人工智能基础 to high school students (or even younger ones). 对学生来说,最重要的一课是人工智能不是魔法. At least today’s AI is not sentient; it is simply math. 如果下一代人能够学习人工智能的基础知识,以及它的原理, they might fear it less and be more inspired to experiment with it.


作为一名没有AI/ML理论经验的开发者,我该如何开始呢 利用 机器学习 or artificial intelligence technology when building products? Is relying on pre-built, black box solutions (e.g., Amazon Rekognition or Textract) naive? Is it worth the time and effort to understand the theory behind everything?


我的建议是,如果你觉得AI/ML令人兴奋,那就追随你的激情和兴趣, give it a go and don’t depend on pre-built solutions or other engineers. 另一方面, if you don’t have time or don’t see a future with AI or ML, then pre-built products are a great option, 尤其是在过去六个月左右的时间里,我们一直处于人工智能工具前所未有的繁荣时期. In one sentence: Choose your battles wisely.

How can ML and NLP technologies be efficiently integrated into 重火力点?


It depends on the task you plan to tackle. 毫升的解决方案 don’t necessarily require high computational costs. 它们可以以简单的形式出现 回归模型 with few iterations (as can certain NLP solutions). 这些非常适合重火力点. If you are talking about LLMs, these require a bit more power. There are some new developments in this area (Falcon-7B), but you may still consider 利用 existing APIs or creating your own.

基本AI资源的图表, 比如Python和Kaggle比赛, 和LLM工具推荐, 比如拥抱脸, GPT, BERT, 和FastAPI.
Recommended Methods for Working With AI, ML, and LLMs



是的,是这样的. 很明显, 总会有一些延迟, 模型越大, 生成预测所需的时间就越长(或者需要更多的GPU资源).

I’m working on LLM model deployment in production. 我计划使用FastAPI为模型创建一个API,并将其部署到hugs Face或其他云平台上. Are there any alternative options or methods to consider?


答案可以归结为 项目预算. Clients with big budgets can afford expensive GPUs from AWS, 而那些预算有限的人可能需要开发人员将FastAPI和BERT解决方案组合在一起,以便在虚拟环境中使用 Vast.ai. 这完全取决于具体情况 业务案例 以及可用的资源.

Upskilling: Learning More About AI Development

Considering that LLMs have started to write code, 作为开发者,我应该学习哪些主要硬技能才能保持竞争力,并将AI应用到工程流程中?


我不认为我们已经到了不需要开发人员的地步(尽管我估计我们可能在10到15年内)。. 转向不久的将来的, I would predict that AI may not be optimal for addressing edge cases, 定制, and the many special requests often desired by clients. 所以我建议你学习如何使用 生成的人工智能 节省编写样板代码的时间. 为确保代码在各种情况下按预期工作等任务节省你的脑力. 与其花40个小时开发一个程序,不如开发10个程序.

I have four years of experience in 计算机视觉. What courses or skills do you recommend for me to move on to LLMs?


I would suggest starting small and focusing on NLP first. 一旦你精通 NLP基本面, 您可以通过在线学习平台探索法学硕士纳米学位,了解嵌入和变压器等核心概念. 最后但同样重要的, 我建议你玩一下《欧博体育app下载》, which should be easy since you have an AI background.

你能建议一些有用的资源吗, tools, 框架, or sample projects for those hoping to become AI or 毫升工程师?


我推荐两个主要资源. First, nanodegrees (online certified programs) are a great place to start. 如果你是人工智能和数据科学的新手,斯坦福在线的机器学习课程对你很有帮助. 其次,为了积累经验并开始使用AI/ML技术, Kaggle 项目和比赛是宝贵的资源,提供了许多建立人际关系和向他人学习的机会.

The editorial team of the Toptal 工程 Blog extends its gratitude to Meghana Bhange for reviewing the technical content presented in this article.


  • 人工智能工程师是做什么的?

    AI engineers develop and deploy AI systems, often using 机器学习 algorithms and deep learning 框架. 他们创造创新的解决方案,使任务自动化,提高决策能力.

  • 人工智能有多先进??

    人工智能已经取得了重大进展. 它擅长于特定的任务,并且在用于这些目的时相当先进(也称为狭义人工智能)。. However, AI still cannot match human abilities such as creativity, 情商, 复杂的推理, 或直觉.

  • 大型语言模型用于什么?

    Large language models can generate and interpret humanlike text (i.e.(自然语言). llm用于聊天机器人, 内容生成, 情绪分析, 语言翻译, 以及代码自动完成.

  • 人工智能将如何改变未来?

    AI is capable of transforming industries by automating routine tasks, 加强决策, 释放创新. It has the potential to impact society on a large scale, raising concerns about job displacement, 数据安全, 以及其他道德困境.

  • 构建人工智能系统需要什么?

    构建人工智能系统需要专业知识、高质量数据和计算资源. Collaborative efforts across multidisciplinary teams (data science, 工程, 业务, legal, etc.) will ensure effective AI implementation and continuous improvement.

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验证专家 在工程
10 Years 的经验




Joao是一名人工智能开发人员,在宝洁等财富100强公司工作了10多年 & Gamble and startups in the healthcare, energy, and finance industries. Joao拥有波尔图大学计算机科学硕士学位,并拥有机器学习和深度学习方面的多项认证.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.




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