authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在设计

Sara is an innovative design leader that has driven growth for more than 100 multinational corporations, 主要是在金融领域.



Of all the forces that govern our careers, none is more misunderstood than leadership. 这是一个被过度使用、不发达的概念. 我们想象的领导者介于李·艾柯卡和呆伯特之间 见识短浅的 老板. The middle ground is a mishmash of unrealistic characterizations and expectations.

对于许多设计人员来说, 特征 一个好领导的标准是不明确的, based on in-the-moment impressions and influenced by assumptions that have nothing to do with leadership. 在不知道健康领导是什么样子的情况下, 设计师 领导者很容易受到关系动态的影响,这种动态会使不和谐永久化.

改变的第一步是意识. 经常, it’s as simple as putting words to a paradigm that everyone feels but no one articulates. 值得庆幸的是,有不同的领导风格已经被定义 广泛的研究. We examined each through the unique lens of the design world, and six leadership profiles emerged.

1. 强制性的:福音传道者

设计传道者们知识渊博. 他们有坚定的信念 关于设计 并向各种规模的观众宣扬他们的信仰. 他们的热情推动着行业的发展,并激励着更广泛的设计界. 在设计被忽视的组织中, evangelists ignite change by championing the value of design to its most ardent opponents.

当传福音的热情过于强烈时,激情就会变得压抑. 热情变成攻击性. 在这里,灵活性和洞察力让位于傲慢和最后通牒: 不听我的就滚蛋. Unmoored evangelists are especially problematic for mid- and senior-level 设计师, experienced pros whose valuable insights are trampled beneath evangelists’ powerful personalities.

Of 所有的设计 在不同的领导风格中,布道者拥有最高的双重潜在的好处和坏处. 需要谨慎. Evangelistic leaders can temper their intensity by fostering open communication with staff and seeking relational accountability from superiors.


2. 权威:有远见的人

作为设计师, we learn to zoom in and zoom out - to get close to design issues before dropping back for a broader view. 远见者擅长宏观, 大局, 并且有从问题到解决方案的规划过程的技巧.

Unlike evangelists, visionaries invite others to answer the question: “How do we get there?这并不是说梦想家默认民主决策. They include to inspire because they understand that executing their plans requires buy-in. Beyond big picture thinking, visionaries define goals and quality standards for their teams. This brings clarity and structure, both of which empower 设计师 to make decisions and innovate.

Visionaries veer off course when their plans become untethered from what is possible or relevant. 这是一种创造性的过度放纵, 虽然它可能会产生有趣的想法, those under the direction of unrealistic visionaries quickly become disillusioned and confused. 当梦想家迷恋于自己的想法时, 他们可能会失去为团队提供可行指导的能力.


3. 附属的:伙伴

设计伙伴凭借冗长的简历获得领导职位, 但他们几乎没有真正的领导经验. 伙伴们与员工设计师的日常心态密切相关, 所以当他们成为领导者, 他们表现得更像同龄人,而不是权威人物.

最重要的是,伙伴们支持他们的团队. 人 are first, and a high degree of freedom is entrusted to individual 设计师. 因为兄弟是平等的, 他们领导的设计师觉得分享自己的想法是安全的, 合作蓬勃发展. 设计伙伴努力工作以保持积极的团队氛围, 他们得到的回报是积极的员工.

Because of their devotion to 设计师, buddies are prone to ignoring the needs of other departments. 设计 buddies also struggle when addressing issues of poor performance and interpersonal conflict. 太频繁, buddies emphasize positive feedback and fail to show those under their charge how they can improve.

Buddies may be perceived as lacking the authority to make tough personnel decisions. 不幸的是, buddies’ peer-to-peer approach leads to blatant disrespect and crumbling camaraderie.


4. 民主党人:拿选票的人

设计提供了一个永无止境的决策流. 有些是不朽的,而另一些则是本能地发生,以至于没有被注意到. Democratic leaders are highly aware of design decisions and do their best to ensure that everyone is able to voice their views.

那些在民主领导下的人感到被包容和被重视. Decisions that democratic leaders facilitate tend to stick because they represent the prevailing attitudes of their teams.

在设计界,对每一个决定进行投票都会阻碍速度. 看似简单的选择变成了痛苦的、深思熟虑的事情. 设计师 grow frustrated as they’re repeatedly asked to weigh in on topics of little consequence. Matters are made worse when it becomes clear that democratic leaders seek votes to mask indecision.

在任何情况下,民主都有其局限性. Democratic leaders must learn to shield their teams from issues that hinder productivity and threaten job satisfaction.


5. 树立榜样:像素英雄

一些设计师在技术魔法的翅膀上冉冉升起. Their skills are unparalleled, their precision unmatched, and all who see their work marvel. When these pixel heroes are assigned leadership roles, their obsession with quality doesn’t diminish. 事实上, it becomes the mission of pixel heroes to raise the skills of their teams to that of their own.

在像素英雄的领导下,设计师往往会对他们佩服不已, 所以他们迫使自己更像他们的老板. Outside of design departments, pixel heroes are respected for their high-caliber work.

不幸的是,设计专长并不等于有效的领导力. 像素英雄往往专注于质量,而忽视了团队的需求. 当工作不符合他们的标准时,像素英雄会进行微观管理. This undermines trust and leaves 设计师 attempting to avoid failure rather than striving to do their best work. 随之而来的是士气低落和精疲力竭.

如果像素英雄学习同理心的管理风格,他们可以成为有效的领导者. 经常, this means that pixel heroes must be willing to show 设计师 that they are invested in their professional growth and personal fulfillment.


6. 教练:导师

杰克•韦尔奇, 通用电气黄金时代的传奇CEO, 曾经说过, “在你成为领导者之前,成功就是自我成长. 当你成为领导者时,成功就是帮助他人成长.换句话说,领导力与领导者关系不大. 重要的是他们领导的人. 他们的问题是什么?? 他们的动机是什么?? 如何为他们提供最好的服务?

那些符合导师形象的人全心全意地坚持这一思路. 作为领导者,他们的最高目标是培养人才. Communication is open and ongoing, and the climate of their teams is generally positive. 导师擅长提供深思熟虑和直接的反馈. This is appreciated by their teams, who feel supported but also have standards to work toward. 作为领导者,导师尤其受到 远程团队.

对导师来说,事情并不都是美好的. 团队主要由资深设计师组成, 持续的反馈和指导可能被视为一种干扰. 组织契合度是关键. 导师专注于他们所领导的人的全面发展. Companies (or executives) that promote data-driven or results-oriented cultures may struggle to see the value of the mentor leadership style.

在你成为领导者之前,成功就是自我成长. 当你成为领导者时,成功就是帮助他人成长. 杰克·韦尔奇,通用电气前首席执行官



在文学, many of our favorite protagonists find themselves teetering on the potential of their greatest strengths. 这是内部冲突的本质. 不道德的品质会被用来做好事还是会滑向黑暗? 设计领导者也是如此. 他们的内在技能会帮助团队繁荣还是导致团队解体?

设计的领导人 应该努力提高自我意识,为自己的弱点寻求支持吗. It’s wise to have people in place that can provide design leaders with honest feedback when their abilities become overbearing. 最终, 最好的领导人 are well-rounded and able to transition between multiple leadership styles for the sake of their teams.


  • 我怎样才能成为一名优秀的设计主管?

    One of the most important qualities in leadership and design is a willingness to listen. 设计主管并不是简单地向团队成员分发指令, 他们必须了解进程阻塞, 资源需求, 人际关系困难. 做到这一点的最好方法就是积极倾听.

  • 设计主管是做什么的?

    设计负责人是设计团队的领导者和倡导者. 在很多公司, 这个角色帮助建立和保持创造性的愿景, 监督项目进度和预算, 管理和指导设计师, 将设计活动和计划与其他部门联系起来.

  • 什么是设计导购?

    设计主管监督组织内的设计师团队. 设计主管来自不同的设计背景. 他们可能领导非常具体的团队, 比如用户体验团队, or the 设计师 under their charge may represent a range of design disciplines and specialties.

  • 成为设计主管意味着什么?

    有许多设计领导角色. 设计领先s manage teams of 设计师 from a variety of design backgrounds and disciplines. 在大多数公司, 设计主管负责培养他们所负责的设计师, 保持设计质量, 并向其他部门倡导设计的价值.



验证专家 在设计




Sara is an innovative design leader that has driven growth for more than 100 multinational corporations, 主要是在金融领域.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.




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