Kim Hyun, 设计师 in 旧金山,加州,美国
Hyun is 可用 租用
雇佣 Hyun

Kim Hyun

验证专家  in 设计



Hyun has several years of experience designing digital products for Fortune 500 companies and Bay Area startups. 他喜欢建立直觉, 深思熟虑的, and beautifully crafted products for organizations looking for an autonomous designer who loves to ship quickly. Hyun works closely with top Bay Area VC firms like 给予合作伙伴 and 贝恩 Capital to help their portfolio companies with 产品设计 needs. Hyun's worked for many companies, including Intel, Walmart, J&J,基因泰克,等等.




  • Worked closely with Greylock partners as a referral 产品设计er for many of their early portfolio companies.
  • Collaborated with the founders and core team on endeavors ranging from pre-seed to series B. 许多给予合作伙伴投资的公司, 包括Airbnb和LinkedIn等知名公司, 估值超过10亿美元.
  • Built new MVP products and optimized 产品设计 needs for portfolio companies.
技术:Web仪表板, Web应用程序, Web应用程序设计, 用户界面(UI), SaaS设计, 响应式Web应用, 生产力, 协作, B2B, Figma


贝恩 & 公司
  • Helped design new digital products for Fortune 500 executive clients. Services from the digital team include UX research, 产品策略, 产品设计, 和实现.
  • 进行现场用户体验研究, 快速合作, 举办设计思维工作坊, 处理客户演示.
  • 设计ed specific outputs that have included mockups, 交互式产品, 启发式评估, 用户角色, 同理心的地图, 多变量测试, 交互原型, 动画, 和视频.
  • Implemented UX research practices include multiple variant testing, A / B测试, 可用性测试, 现场观察, 系统可用性量表, 5个为什么, 用户流, 用户的旅行, 和故事板.
  • Worked and collaborated with MBA consultants to help provide a balance of user needs and business objectives for our clients.
技术:Web仪表板, Web应用程序, Web应用程序设计, 用户界面(UI), SaaS设计, 响应式Web应用, 生产力, 协作, B2B, 企业设计, 企业SaaS, 企业, 指示板, 《欧博体育app下载》世界500强, SaaS, 用户访谈, 可用性测试, 手机UI设计, 移动应用设计, iOS应用设计, 数据可视化, 大数据, 用户研究, iOS, 用户体验设计, 产品设计, Web应用UX, 用户体验(UX), 仪表盘的设计, 手机设计, 原型设计, 视觉设计, 用户界面设计, Web应用UI, Adobe CC, 原则, 苹果主题, 米罗, Balsamiq, Figma


2019 - 2020
  • Worked as the sole 产品设计er from their series A to series B funding of $24 million from top-tier Bay Area VC firm, 给予合作伙伴.
  • 监督用户体验研究,包括用户访谈, 创建角色, 移情的映射, 用户流, 用户的旅行, 可用性测试.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders including the founders, 主要工作人员, 工程师(毫升, 下文, 前端), 客户成功, and marketers to help design new products for our suite.
  • 设计ed our internal tools that our ML engineers and data scientists could leverage for their investigation process.
  • Communicated and represented the customer's voice through weekly insights aggregated through multiple channels.
技术:Web仪表板, Web应用程序, Web应用程序设计, 用户界面(UI), SaaS设计, 响应式Web应用, 生产力, 协作, B2B, 企业设计, 机器学习, 企业SaaS, 企业, 数据设计, 指示板, 网络安全, SaaS, 用户访谈, 可用性测试, 手机UI设计, 移动应用设计, iOS应用设计, 数据可视化, 大数据, 用户研究, iOS, 用户体验设计, 产品设计, Web应用UX, 用户体验(UX), 仪表盘的设计, 网页设计, 视觉设计, 用户界面设计, Web应用UI, 米罗, Balsamiq, 堆, FullStory, 原则, Adobe CC, Figma


2017 - 2019
  • Worked on multiple products including agency management, policy management, E&S insurance accounting, and a distribution API used for third-party integration.
  • Worked as the sole designer and designed new products and features as well as redesigning existing ones.
  • Conducted on-site interviews and usability tests to gain user insights throughout various offices in California.
  • 设计用户旅程, 地图, and personas to compile strong UX insights and findings to stakeholders.
  • Provided the 信息架构, UX, interaction, visual, and UI for all of their products.
技术:Web仪表板, Web应用程序, Web应用程序设计, 用户界面(UI), SaaS设计, 响应式Web应用, 生产力, 协作, B2B, 企业, 指示板, 保险科技(Insurtech), SaaS, 用户访谈, 可用性测试, 手机UI设计, iOS应用设计, 数据可视化, 用户研究, iOS, 用户体验设计, 产品设计, Web应用UX, 用户体验(UX), 仪表盘的设计, 网页设计, 视觉设计, 用户界面设计, Web应用UI, 米罗, Balsamiq, 赞贝林, InVision, 原则, 反应, 筹划者X, Figma


2016 - 2018
Websauce Studio(被White Rabbit收购)
  • Managed the client interactions for design services and designed all projects from ideation to inception.
  • Provided new design consulting services to the agency including 产品设计, iOS和Android设计, 民族志研究, 产品策略, 信息架构, 以及技术可行性.
  • Increased Websauce's project workload capabilities by managing and designing five to six projects at a time.
  • Helped double our company revenue from 2017 to 2018 and raise it by another 60% from 2018 to 2019.
技术:Web仪表板, Web应用程序, Web应用程序设计, 用户界面(UI), SaaS设计, 响应式Web应用, 生产力, 协作, 指示板, SaaS, 用户访谈, 可用性测试, 移动应用设计, iOS应用设计, 数据可视化, 用户研究, iOS, Figma, 用户体验设计, 产品设计, Web应用UX, 用户体验(UX), 仪表盘的设计, 手机设计, 原型设计, 网页设计, 视觉设计, 用户界面设计, Web应用UI, 米罗, Balsamiq, Adobe CC, InVision, 草图


2014 - 2016
  • 设计ed intranet systems and digital supply chain products for Fortune 500 companies.
  • Collaborated closely with UX researchers, PMs, and engineers with an agile process.
  • Produced high-fidelity UI designs from the basic box or sketched wireframes.
  • Executed the correct branding standards and established proper aesthetics from colors, 字体, 布局, 标志, 图解, 和插图.
  • Worked on 产品策略 and UX responsibilities on smaller-scale projects.
技术:B2C, Web指示板, Web应用程序, Web应用程序设计, 用户界面(UI), SaaS设计, 响应式Web应用, 生产力, 协作, B2B, 企业, 数据设计, 指示板, 《欧博体育app下载》世界500强, SaaS, 用户访谈, 手机UI设计, 数据可视化, 用户研究, Figma, 用户体验设计, 产品设计, Web应用UX, 用户体验(UX), 手机设计, 视觉设计, 用户界面设计, Web应用UI, CSS, HTML, Balsamiq, 赞贝林, InVision, Axure, 草图
2010 - 2014


University of California, Davis - Davis, CA, United States


Figma, 草图, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe体验设计(XD), InVision, 赞贝林, Balsamiq, Adobe CC, G套件, 米罗, Adobe Photoshop, Axure RP Pro, 筹划者X, 原则, FullStory, 苹果主题


iOS, Android, MacOS, Axure


医疗保健, Education, 保险科技(Insurtech), 健身, 网络安全, Exercise & 健身、健康 & 健康,汽车,电信




Web应用UX, Web应用UI, 产品设计, 用户体验设计, 用户界面设计, 视觉设计, 用户研究, 网页设计, 手机设计, 大数据, 数据可视化, 原型设计, 用户流, 仪表盘的设计, 应用程序设计, 移动应用程序, 用户体验(UX), 网络用户体验, iOS应用设计, 医学, 《欧博体育app下载》世界500强, 指示板, 数据设计, 健康, 移动应用设计, 手机UI设计, 重新设计, 成人学习, 可用性测试, 用户访谈, SaaS, 通信设计, 企业, 启发式评估, 企业SaaS, 人工智能设计, 机器学习, 信息架构(IA), 企业设计, 软件即服务(SaaS), B2B, 协作, 生产力, 响应式Web应用, SaaS设计, 用户界面(UI), Web应用程序设计, Web应用程序, Web指示板, B2C, 反应, 堆, 医疗软件, 停车, 品牌, 标志设计, 关键绩效指标(kpi), 分散式金融(DeFi), Cryptocurrency, 区块链



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