Pierre E. Poulin,墨西哥瓦哈卡州的设计师
Pierre is available for hire
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Pierre E. Poulin

验证专家  in Design



With an early career woven into the rise of the internet, Pierre's experience in digital is vast. 在过去的20年里, he founded one of the first award-winning web shops in Montreal, 为大客户起草工作, 比如汉堡王. Pierre designed an event app used by Airbnb, Salesforce, and Cisco. He continues to serve on a jury at the prestigious FWA. Typography, 光滑的交互, and a glimmer of sassy irony are the driving forces behind his elegant yet highly functional style.




  • Built the company, its concept, and a product from A to Z.
  • 制定数字营销策略, 包括语气, 转换文案, 登陆页优化, 漏斗策略, etc.
  • Created a brand and a design system, including style guide, logo, illustration, UI, components, etc.
  • Handled marketing campaigns, video editing, and motion graphics for YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.
技术:Figma, Adobe CC, Ghost, Webflow, 用户界面(UI), 响应用户界面, 漏斗营销, 漏斗优化, 漏斗分析, 登陆页优化, 交互原型, 调色板, 标识设计, Logotype, Marketing, Infographics, 视觉资产, Brand Design, Brand Logos, Prototyping


  • Served on an exclusive jury judging the best in digital design worldwide.
  • Needed to be previously recognized by The FWA to be nominated as a judge.
  • The FWA is one of the first, oldest, and most notorious web design awards.
技术:视觉设计, WebGL, Web UI, Web UX, Web, UI Design, Web UI设计, UX Design, 网页用户体验设计, 艺术指导, 创意方向, 数字品牌, 数字创意方向, 概念设计, 产品设计, Web Design, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), UI Animation, 交互设计, Typography, Branding, Mobile UI, 数码品牌识别, 响应设计, 营销设计, 平面设计, 数字营销设计, Mobile, Concepting, 企业网站, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 运动设计, Illustration, 社交媒体设计, 3D, 响应用户界面, Strategy, 广告设计, Design, Ad Design, 滚动动画, Responsive, 响应的布局, UI Motion, Motion & 动画设计, 网络图, 品牌定位, 品牌战略, Logo Design, 手机设计, 手机UI设计, Mockups, Marketing

Creative/Art Director | Brand Strategist | UI/UX Designer

  • Worked with major brands like Cirque du Soleil, Céline Dion, 蒙特利尔加拿大人, Bell, Telus, Ford, CBC, 加拿大商业发展银行, Pfizer, Bombardier, etc.
  • Collaborated with international ad agencies such as BBDO, Y&R、Sid Lee、Publicis等.
  • Provided strategy consultancy and strategic planning for small to medium-sized businesses and startups.
  • Provide guidance as a creative director to designer teams.
  • Designed comprehensive brand systems and style guides.
  • Designed countless presentations and pitch decks for big and small clients.
  • Supported agencies in brainstorming and conception phases of their digital campaigns.
  • Worked on agency pitches that required high-end design and high-definition mockups.
技术:Adobe Photoshop, Webflow, Lottie, Illustration, Branding, 视觉设计, 社交媒体设计, 营销设计, 平面设计, 3D, 响应用户界面, Strategy, Email Design, 电子邮件签名设计, 登陆页面, 登陆页面设计, Web Design, Web UI设计, Web UI, Web UX, 网页用户体验设计, 演讲, 视频演示, 演示设计, 滚动动画, 数字品牌, UI Motion, Motion & 动画设计, 用户参与, 创意方向, 数字创意方向, 艺术指导, Responsive, 响应的布局, 响应设计, 响应式Web应用, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 响应式用户体验设计, 响应式电子邮件模板, Style Guides, UI风格指南, 品牌系统, Figma, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), Pitch Decks, Logo Design, Web组件, 模板设计, UI Design, UI Animation, 交互设计, 品牌指导方针, Typography, 设计指导方针, UX Design, Mobile UI, 音乐产业, 数码品牌识别, 高保真原型, Adobe After Effects, Adobe CC, Colleges & Universities, 数字营销设计, Mobile, Guidelines, 生活娱乐, Concepting, 产品设计, 企业网站, Wireframing, 运动设计, 广告设计, Research, Planning, Design, Ad Design, InVision, 用户体验线框图, 网络图, 高保真原型, 谷歌的幻灯片, 演示文稿设计, WebGL, Web, 概念设计, Web App UI, Web App UX, Event Design, 社交媒体工具包, UI Branding, 产品品牌, 活动品牌, 战略的概念, 病毒式营销, 展示广告, 社交广告设计, Photoshop CC, 插画家CC, InDesign CC, 移动网页设计, Blog Design, 品牌战略, 品牌定位, 动画, 手机设计, 手机UI设计, WordPress, Mockups, User Flows, Healthcare, 移动应用设计, 移动应用界面, 医疗保健服务, 交互原型, 调色板, 标识设计, Logotype, Marketing, Infographics, 视觉资产, Brand Design, Brand Logos, Prototyping

Brand Designer, Art Director, UI/UX Designer

2019 - 2022
  • 进行了一次全面的品牌改造, building on their current identity building blocks (logo, colors, typography, etc.).
  • Designed a responsive web dashboard/admin platform.
  • Provided comprehensive style guides and assets in Figma.
  • Designed a set of responsive marketing pages for each of Backtracks products (more than 10).
  • Developed visual concepts to explain otherwise complex products such as the Backtracks Switchboard. Those were then handed off as hi-fi prototypes, including scroll animations and micro-interactions, 使用Webflow和Lottie.
  • Illustrated a set of conceptual skeuomorphic icons, 2D animations, and a comprehensive set of flat icons representing key benefits of their offer.
  • Redesigned some of their core product UIs like the Backtracks Player and the Backtracks Marketplace.
  • 设计了一组面向客户的页面. 不像营销页面, the client-facing pages are tools users can use to search podcasts, 在节目中查找相关数据和分析, 购买广告/媒体空间.
  • Developed concepts and designed all related social media assets (video and static), 体育广告, 展会资产(滚动横幅), 地板上的贴纸, 媒体背景, t-shirts, etc.),以及其产品的PDF数据表.
  • Designed presentation decks and report templates in Google Slide and Microsoft PowerPoint.
技术:视觉设计, 创意方向, 艺术指导, Web Design, 营销设计, Figma, InVision, Adobe After Effects, 滚动动画, Lottie, UI Design, Web UI设计, 响应用户界面, Responsive, 响应的布局, Web UX, 网页用户体验设计, Web UI, Webflow, UI Motion, 运动设计, Motion & 动画设计, 用户体验线框图, Wireframing, 网络图, Illustration, 3D, 高保真原型, 高保真原型, 演讲, 演示设计, 谷歌的幻灯片, 演示文稿设计, 广告设计, Adobe CC, Branding, UI Branding, 产品品牌, Social Media, 社交媒体设计, 响应设计, 响应式用户体验设计, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), Logo Design, Dashboards, Web指示板, 仪表盘的设计, Web组件, 模板设计, UI Animation, 交互设计, 品牌指导方针, 移动应用设计, Typography, 设计指导方针, UX Design, Mobile UI, 数字品牌, 数码品牌识别, 平面设计, 数字营销设计, Mobile, Guidelines, Concepting, 产品设计, 企业网站, Strategy, Research, Design, Ad Design, WebGL, Web, 数字创意方向, 概念设计, Web App UI, 视频演示, 响应式Web应用, Style Guides, UI风格指南, 品牌系统, 社交广告设计, Photoshop CC, 插画家CC, InDesign CC, 移动网页设计, Blog Design, 品牌定位, 品牌战略, Pitch Decks, 动画, 手机设计, 手机UI设计, WordPress, Mockups, User Flows, 移动应用界面, 交互原型, 调色板, 标识设计, Logotype, Marketing, Infographics, 视觉资产, Brand Design, Brand Logos, Prototyping

Creative/Art Director, Brand Strategist, UI/UX Designer

2014 - 2021
e180, Braindate by e180
  • Led a 2-year rebranding project for the mother brand e180 and its flagship product, Braindate, 现在有成千上万的人在使用. Airbnb, TED, GE, Cannes Lions, Salesforce, and Cisco use Braindate to foster meaningful connections at their events.
  • Defined the brand strategy that would lead to the new positioning of the mother brand and its sub-brands.
  • Acted as the lead designer of the collaborative learning app Braindate.
  • Worked as the lead designer of the native iOS app Braindate.
  • Developed assets and brand guidelines for e180 and Braindate, respectively—and ensured those were respected by the team.
  • Built various marketing landing pages in Webflow and other high-fidelity prototypes.
  • Designed Braindate's set of engagement emails (welcome email, 整个事件中的用户状态, days 1-5, 后续的邮件, etc.).
  • Created a B2B website and designed/edited a promotional video for Braindate.
  • Designed the UI/UX of Braindate's own videoconferencing platform, Braindate Virtual.
技术:Webflow, Adobe CC, 创意方向, Illustration, Branding, 视觉设计, 社交媒体设计, 营销设计, 平面设计, 响应用户界面, Web UI, Web App UI, Web UX, Web App UX, UI Design, Web UI设计, 网页用户体验设计, 艺术指导, Email Design, 电子邮件签名设计, UI Motion, 运动设计, Motion & 动画设计, 登陆页面, 登陆页面设计, Event Design, 广告设计, Social Media, 社交媒体工具包, UI Branding, 产品设计, 产品品牌, 活动品牌, 数字品牌, Responsive, 响应的布局, 响应式Web应用, 响应设计, 响应式用户体验设计, 响应式电子邮件模板, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 用户参与, Web Design, Figma, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), Pitch Decks, Web组件, 模板设计, UI Animation, 交互设计, 品牌指导方针, 移动应用设计, Typography, 设计指导方针, UX Design, Mobile UI, Web指示板, 数码品牌识别, 高保真原型, Adobe After Effects, 数字营销设计, Mobile, Guidelines, Learning, E-learning, 白色的标签, Concepting, 企业网站, Wireframing, Strategy, Research, Planning, Design, Ad Design, InVision, 滚动动画, 用户体验线框图, 网络图, 高保真原型, 演示设计, 谷歌的幻灯片, 演示文稿设计, WebGL, Web, 概念设计, 战略的概念, 活动策划, 视频演示, Style Guides, UI风格指南, 品牌系统, 社交广告设计, Photoshop CC, 插画家CC, InDesign CC, 移动网页设计, Blog Design, 品牌战略, 品牌定位, Logo Design, Dashboards, 仪表盘的设计, 动画, 手机设计, 手机UI设计, WordPress, Mockups, User Flows, Healthcare, 移动应用界面, 交互原型, 标识设计, Logotype, Marketing, Infographics, 视觉资产, Brand Design, Brand Logos, Prototyping, Web应用程序设计, Edtech设计, 教育科技(Edtech)


2003 - 2011
  • 我们的工作得到了国际上的好评, winning many recognitions at Cannes (Cyber Lions), the One Show, 威比奖, the FWA, 五月一日重启, 还有更多.
  • Got featured in design publications like Taschen, Applied Arts, and Communication Arts.
  • Supported traditional ad agencies in their early digital efforts, 为汉堡王策划了一场病毒式传播活动, Ford, Dermtek Pharma (Reversa), Bell, 只是为了笑, etc.
  • Led projects in the industries of 青年营销, fashion, sports, entertainment, and government public-service announcements (PSA).
  • Acted as spokesman for various panels and conferences about social media, 青年营销, 数字广告.
技术:Adobe CC, Lottie, Illustration, Branding, 视觉设计, 社交媒体设计, 营销设计, 平面设计, 3D, 响应用户界面, 战略的概念, Strategy, Event Design, 活动品牌, 数字品牌, Responsive, 响应的布局, 响应设计, 响应式Web应用, 响应式用户体验设计, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 响应式电子邮件模板, Email Design, 电子邮件签名设计, 演讲, 视频演示, 演示设计, UI Motion, 运动设计, Motion & 动画设计, 广告设计, 展示广告, Social Media, 艺术指导, Ad Design, 社交广告设计, Web Design, UI Design, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), Pitch Decks, Logo Design, 模板设计, UI Animation, 交互设计, 品牌指导方针, Typography, 设计指导方针, UX Design, 音乐产业, 数码品牌识别, 高保真原型, Adobe After Effects, 数字营销设计, Guidelines, Concepting, 企业网站, Wireframing, Planning, Design, 创意方向, 滚动动画, Web UI设计, Web UX, 网页用户体验设计, Web UI, 用户体验线框图, 网络图, 高保真原型, 谷歌的幻灯片, 演示文稿设计, WebGL, Web, 数字创意方向, 概念设计, Web App UX, 登陆页面, 登陆页面设计, 社交媒体工具包, UI Branding, 产品品牌, Style Guides, UI风格指南, 品牌系统, 病毒式营销, Photoshop CC, 插画家CC, InDesign CC, 移动网页设计, Blog Design, 品牌战略, 品牌定位, Web组件, 动画, 手机设计, 手机UI设计, WordPress, Mockups, User Flows, Healthcare, 移动应用设计, 移动应用界面, 医疗保健服务, 交互原型, 调色板, 标识设计, Logotype, Marketing, Infographics, 视觉资产, Brand Design, Brand Logos, Prototyping
2007 - 2010


Université de Montréal | HEC Montréal - Montreal, Canada

1996 - 1999


CEGEP de Sainte-Foy -魁北克市,加拿大


Figma, Adobe After Effects, Adobe CC, InVision, 谷歌的幻灯片, Photoshop CC, 插画家CC, InDesign CC, Adobe Photoshop


Webflow, Mobile, Web, WordPress


Marketing, 教育科技(Edtech), Healthcare


Typography, 设计指导方针, 响应设计, 交互设计, Web Design, 品牌指导方针, 移动应用设计, 艺术指导, UI Design, UI Animation, Branding, Mobile UI, 数字品牌, Web指示板, 音乐产业, 数码品牌识别, 高保真原型, Lottie, 视觉设计, Email Design, 营销设计, Social Media, 平面设计, 数字营销设计, Guidelines, 生活娱乐, Learning, E-learning, 白色的标签, Concepting, 企业网站, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 社交媒体设计, 3D, 响应用户界面, Strategy, 广告设计, Analysis, 品牌标识, Animation, Design, Ad Design, 创意方向, 滚动动画, Web UI设计, Responsive, 响应的布局, Web UX, 网页用户体验设计, Web UI, UI Motion, Motion & 动画设计, 高保真原型, 演讲, 演示设计, 演示文稿设计, 数字创意方向, 概念设计, Web App UI, 电子邮件签名设计, 登陆页面, 登陆页面设计, Event Design, 社交媒体工具包, UI Branding, 产品品牌, 活动品牌, 战略的概念, 活动策划, 用户参与, 响应式Web应用, 响应式用户体验设计, 响应式电子邮件模板, Style Guides, UI风格指南, 品牌系统, 病毒式营销, 展示广告, 社交广告设计, 移动网页设计, Blog Design, Blogs, 品牌战略, 品牌定位, 用户界面(UI), Pitch Decks, Logo Design, Dashboards, 仪表盘的设计, Web组件, 模板设计, 移动应用界面, 手机设计, 手机UI设计, 移动用户体验设计, Mockups, 语气, 交互原型, 标识设计, 调色板, Apps, Logotype, Infographics, 视觉资产, Brand Design, Brand Logos, Prototyping, Web应用程序设计, UX Design, Mobile UX, Colleges & Universities, 产品设计, Wireframing, 运动设计, Illustration, Research, Planning, 用户体验线框图, 网络图, WebGL, Web App UX, 视频演示, 用户体验(UX), 动画, User Flows, 医疗保健服务, 登陆页优化, 漏斗优化, 漏斗分析, 漏斗营销, Ghost, Blogging, 数字运动, 网络营销, Edtech设计



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