Serhii Varanytsia, Designer in 利沃夫,利沃夫州,乌克兰
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Serhii Varanytsia

验证专家  in Design



Serhii is a lead designer with 7+ years of experience in digital product design, including experience setting up a design office in a company from scratch, conducting design sprints and discovery phases on multiple products from various domains, 做研究, IA, 视觉设计, 可用性测试. 在他的职业生涯中, Serhii has contributed to projects relating to healthcare, 人力资源与招聘, retail, 房地产, Education, NFTs, 以及更多的行业.




  • Led a design department with a total of five designers.
  • Established from scratch an independent system for the design office, 包括技术评论, 能力矩阵, 1-on-1s, 流程文档, 设计活动清单, 可用性和设计检查, 以及指导过程.
  • Interviewed new designers and led the review process of the current team.
  • Led the sales and discovery stages from the design side covering products from various industries like healthcare, 房地产, Education, NFTs, 等.
  • Tested product hypotheses and solutions and сonducted A/B tests to find out the best solutions to specific problems.
  • Worked as a product designer on projects in the healthcare and NFT domains.
技术:Figma, Jira, Mixpanel, ClickUp, Maze, FigJam, 融合, Miro, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), 用户界面测试, 用户体验测试, 产品设计, 网页设计, 高保真原型, 高保真原型, 低保真原型, MVP的设计, 手机设计, Web UX, 网页用户体验设计, UI组件, 网站设计, 信息架构(IA), 低保真原型, Web应用UX, 响应, Agile, Android应用设计, SaaS设计, 软件即服务(SaaS), Web应用UI, 项目管理, 用户研究, 用户体验过程, 用户体验规范, Design, 到产品的线框图, Web UI设计, 最小可行产品(MVP)


2019 - 2020
  • Led a design department with a total of six designers.
  • Conducted designer reviews which included tech reviews, 反馈会议, 为下一次审查设定目标, 目标签到, 面试新人.
  • Updated the competence matrix and was responsible for 1-on-1s 以及指导过程; also managed design office documents and the career (growth) paths of designers.
  • Took part in the phases of the sales—from the design side and partially from the BA/PM perspective—and covered discovery phases for incoming projects.
  • Conducted design checks 可用性测试 on multiple products.
  • Worked on a SaaS tool for managing compensation, 社交网络项目, and marketing planning and analytics software for the CPG industry.
技术:Figma, Sketch, Miro, 原则, RealtimeBoard, Jira, Trello, Maze, Zeplin, InVision, InVision应用, 视觉设计, 用户体验(UX), 用户界面(UI), 网页设计, 高保真原型, 高保真原型, 低保真原型, MVP的设计, 手机设计, Web UX, 网页用户体验设计, UI组件, 信息架构(IA), 低保真原型, Web应用UX, 响应, Agile, SaaS, 任务流, SaaS设计, 软件即服务(SaaS), Web应用UI, 项目管理, 用户研究, 聊天机器人对话设计, 用户体验过程, 用户体验规范, Design, 到产品的线框图, Web UI设计, 最小可行产品(MVP)

UI / UX的设计师

2017 - 2019
  • Delivered a SaaS tool that establishes career paths and compensation ranges. Recently took the project from the discovery phase and led it first as a designer and later as designer/PM of a team of eight until MVP was ready to be released.
  • Worked on products from various industries, e.g., several products from healthcare, social network, fintech, 等.
  • Took part in managing processes for the design office, including the creation of a competence matrix and conducting interviews and reviews.
  • Led the full product lifecycle from the sales and discovery phases until the product support phase.
  • Contributed to the development support team in terms of design/implementation control assurance.
  • Created technical documentation for provided design solutions.
  • Provided product and market research for the products.
技术:Figma, 原则, 融合, Jira, Zeplin, InVision, Flow-mapping, RealtimeBoard, Sketch, 用户体验(UX), 团队的领导, 用户界面设计, 线框图, 视觉设计, 网页设计, 高保真原型, 高保真原型, 低保真原型, MVP的设计, 手机设计, 网页用户体验设计, UI组件, 信息架构(IA), 低保真原型, 响应, 任务流


2016 - 2017
  • Oversaw the whole process from creating sketches and wireframes to checking what's been implemented.
  • Managed a full cycle of product research activities.
  • Validated ideas in early stages to proceed with basic concepts before implementation.
  • Handled live user testing on an internal team of accountants.
  • Communicated with stakeholders to gather needed requirements.
技术:Trello, Zeplin, InVision, Marvel, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe体验设计(XD), 用户体验(UX), 用户界面设计, 线框图, 视觉设计, 网页设计, 高保真原型, 高保真原型, 低保真原型, MVP的设计, 信息架构(IA), 低保真原型

UI / UX的设计师

2015 - 2016
  • Delivered a better experience for a sports-based application.
  • Conducted requirement gathering meetings with stakeholders.
  • Provided MVP solutions for startups to check their market needs.
技术:Adobe Illustrator, Balsamiq, InVision, Axure, Adobe Photoshop, 用户体验(UX), 用户界面设计, 线框图, 视觉设计, 高保真原型, 高保真原型, 低保真原型, 信息架构(IA), 低保真原型


2013 - 2016
  • Worked on a platform that allows musicians from all over the world to communicate.
  • Collaborated with a mobile healthcare application for older people.
  • Designed landings, brand books, logotypes, promo posters, and business cards.
技术:奇迹, Adobe Illustrator, InVision, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe体验设计(XD), 用户界面设计, 线框图, 视觉设计, 高保真原型, 高保真原型, 信息架构(IA), 低保真原型
2015 - 2016

Master's Degree in Software Engineering

National University Lviv Polytechnic - Lviv, Ukraine

2011 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering

National University Lviv Polytechnic - Lviv, Ukraine











创新 and Entrepreneurship (Coimbra, Portugal)



创新 and Entrepreneurship (Växjö, Sweden)



Sketch, Zeplin, InVision, Jira, Trello, InVision应用, Figma, 融合, Maze, Adobe Photoshop, Balsamiq, Adobe Illustrator, RealtimeBoard, 原则, Adobe体验设计(XD), Marvel, Miro, FigJam


iOS, Android, Web, Mobile, Axure, Blogger, Video 平台, Twitter, Desktop, Mixpanel




Music, Social 网络, Healthcare, Health & 健康、旅游 & Leisure, Fitness, Sports, Restaurants & 餐饮、娱乐 & 休闲,活动,食品 & Beverage


重新设计, 网站设计, 创意设计, CreativeJS, 创造性思维, MVP的设计, 最小可行产品(MVP), 用户体验流, 用户界面设计, 用户体验设计, 产品设计, 信息架构(IA), Design, 线框图, App UI, App UX, Web应用UX, 视觉设计, 响应, 网页设计, 用户体验(UX), 手机设计, 用户界面(UI), Agile, SaaS, B2B, B2C, 指示板, 响应式Web应用, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 响应设计, 手机UI设计, 用户流, 到产品的线框图, Web UX, Web UI, Web UI设计, 网页用户体验设计, UIKit, 响应用户界面, 响应的布局, 任务流, 快速原型, 以用户为中心的设计, 移动用户界面, 移动用户体验, Flow-mapping, SaaS设计, 软件即服务(SaaS), 设计系统, 仪表盘的设计, Web应用程序设计, 移动应用界面, Web & 移动应用程序, 高保真原型, 高保真原型, 低保真原型, 低保真原型, Android应用设计, 敏捷冲刺, Social, 企业设计, 企业, UI组件, HCD, 以人为本的设计, 材料设计, Art, 移动应用程序, Android UI设计, 社交媒体, 社交网络, 双边市场, 移动用户体验设计, 项目管理, 移动应用设计, Web应用UI, 设计领导, 原型设计, 响应式用户体验设计, 用户研究, 设计冲刺, 谷歌设计冲刺, 移动应用程序, iOS UI设计, iOS应用设计, iOS用户体验设计, 设计思考, 领导, 用户体验的领导, 团队的领导, 市场, 市场平台, 市场设计, 功能规划, 特性分析, 用户体验研究, 风格指南, UI风格指南, Travel, 社交媒体应用, 用户体验评估, 数据可视化, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), 解决复杂问题, 企业SaaS, Web指示板, 社交媒体平台, Android设计指南, ClickUp, 足球, 用户访谈, 用户体验过程, 社会交往, 管理面板, Soccer, UI设计标准 & 最佳实践, 用户界面研究, 快餐, 忠诚度计划, Coupons, 企业忠诚度计划, 奖励计划, 数据驱动的设计, 手机第一, Apps, Videos, 转播画面, 流媒体视频, 音乐产业, 名人 & 有影响力的人, 原子设计, 音乐平台, Tags, 社交媒体营销(SMM), Widgets, 参与战略, 有影响力的人, 用户体验规范, 客户访谈, Networks, 推荐系统, Movies, Cartoons, 设计指导方针, 用户测试, 聊天机器人对话设计, Chatbots, 反应本地, React, 设计工作室, Digital, Delivery, 故事情节, Blogging, 生活方式, Fun & 生活方式, Flutter, 它的健康, 医疗卫生信息技术, 医疗保健管理系统, 医疗保健服务, 不可替代令牌(NFT), Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Trading, 网络, 用户界面测试, 用户体验测试, 可访问性, 包容性设计



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