Yoni Balkind, Product Manager in 约翰内斯堡,豪登省,南非
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Yoni Balkind

Verified Expert  in 产品管理

Product Manager

May 20, 2019

Yoni is a commercially minded product manager with a legal background and a passion for productized services and online information tools. He is a certified Agile product owner with a business management diploma. 他的专长包括市场研究, 客户发现, 商业模式, 以及mvp的成功推出. 作为一个系统思考者和成长型营销人员, Yoni擅长自动化工作流程, 建立观众, 并产生可持续的收入来源.


创办网络法律刊物. Grew the readership to 150,000 per month with over 15,000 email subscribers.
Conducted a research project to investigate the viability of introducing an income share agreement (ISA) financing model in South Africa. Interviewed industry experts and reviewed global case studies and research.


Work Experience


2022 - PRESENT
Onyo Marketing
  • Founded an advisory firm for the legal and professional services industry. 协助律师事务所进行服务设计, productization, pricing, 潜在客户的产生和管理, 客户端新员工培训, 内容营销, 以及在线平台.
  • Built a team of remote legal researchers and content producers to service legal clients.
  • Designed best practices around content strategies and lead generation for law firms, 以另类法律服务为中心.


2021 - 2021
FlatFee Corporatiom
  • Helped get the product to launch through extensive iteration and design sprints, 业务建模, 以及客户验证.
  • 通过识别竞争产品进行市场调查, 检查和测试这些, and defining a market position strategy for FlatFee Corp that addressed its strengths and weaknesses relative to competitors.
  • 与CEO一起设计定价和GTM策略.


2017 - 2021
  • Supervised the portfolio of legal information products spanning 30 areas of law.
  • 管理一个由开发人员和内容提供者组成的分布式团队.
  • Oversaw the product life cycle across the web and mobile platform.
  • 发起并推动产品UX重新设计和重新发布.
  • Designed and implemented a workflow process for a distributed team.
  • Architected the pricing and marketing strategy in conjunction with sales and marketing function.
  • Promoted the product through speaking engagements, client demos and PR articles.
  • Achieved company leading annual revenue growth over a 4 year rolling period.

Product Manager

2014 - 2016
  • Launched a portfolio of country websites with country-specific marketing, 自助服务功能, 和电视指南API集成.
  • 为领先体育新闻品牌推出安卓和iOS应用.
  • 管理在Magento中建立的电子商务商店的生产.


2012 - 2014
  • Oversaw a portfolio of software products for the financial services and corporate governance industries.
  • 生产税务软件套件,使会计师批量加载, calculate, 同时为数百名客户进行电子报税.
  • Supervised the transition from desktop legacy software to a browser-based solution.


创办网络法律刊物. Grew the readership to 150,000 per month with over 15,000 email subscribers.

Founded and deployed a thought leadership site for the legal industry and grew it organically into one of Africa's leading online legal information portals. Golegal was a profitable, largely automated business and was eventually sold in 2018.



Founded and built an online marketplace for alternative legal services.

Lexafari is a first-of-its-kind global legal information platform helping business owners and legal counsel obtain legal information and find relevant legal services for their needs.

作为一个研究平台, Lexafari为初创公司提供法律指南和清单, business owners, 以及内部法律顾问. Our global guides are designed to help readers with company formation and maintenance, global hiring, 和知识产权保护, among others.

虽然我们的法律指南可能会吸引我们的读者, our purpose is to help them find services that match their research topics.



I managed a project centered around an eCommerce store selling TV hardware and optional installation services. It required an unusual sales and checkout flow to facilitate combined product and service sales and after-sales tracking.

Legal Heavies


为律师目录创建了MVP/原型. The concept of the directory was that it only listed individual lawyers, not law firms, and would allow users to contact lawyers with legal queries directly.

Legal heavyes是一个面向律师的MVP/原型目录. Its purpose was to showcase individual lawyers and their specific areas of experience and expertise. The premise is that people who need legal help will be dealing closely with a specific professional. 大多数目录都列出了律师事务所, but potential clients are more likely to send an inquiry when there is a specific individual lawyer whom they can contact. 《欧博体育app下载》已被搁置. Although it is incomplete, the prototype is still live and can be viewed. 它包含一个联系个别律师的引导表格. The subsequent feature set that has not yet been developed is to have built-in scheduling, 在线咨询, and payment services to facilitate client-lawyer interaction and onboarding smoothly.

The site is custom-built in WordPress, utilizing custom post types and fields.



Conducted a research project to investigate the viability of introducing an income share agreement (ISA) financing model in South Africa. Interviewed industry experts and reviewed global case studies and research.

I partnered with a local financial services fund interested in launching an alternative student finance operation. They required an investigation into the potential business model, 收入预测, 竞争对手分析, operating plan, 进入市场计划. 几个月后, I reviewed the leading global industry players and met with several thought leaders and experts in the alternative student finance field.


在那之后,我还写了一篇关于思想领导力的文章, proposing a public-private co-operative model to address student financing - http://hackernoon.com/can-government-income-share-agreements-fix-higher-education-ih383yrp
2011 - 2012



2001 - 2007

Bachelor of Arts & 法学学士,法学学位


2005 - 2005



2014年10月- 2018年10月


Scrum Alliance


Trello, Asana, Balsamiq Mockups, Figma


敏捷产品管理, Scrum, Design Thinking, Agile Workflow, Rapid Prototyping






WordPress, 项目交付, 项目计划, 跨职能团队领导, 产品策略, Operations, 社交媒体平台, 业务操作, 产品的所有权, 数字化产品管理, 数字化项目管理, 产品开发, 产品管理, 业务分析, Requirements, Product Roadmaps, 营销计划, User Research, Business Models, Product Design, 产品营销, 产品框架, Innovation, 产品发现, 认证Scrum产品负责人(CSPO), Legal, B2B, 内容营销, Feature Roadmaps, Roadmaps, 企业对企业(B2B), 功能的优先级, 法律科技(Legaltech), Lean Startups, Prototyping, 约束理论, Product Research, 创业咨询, 精益项目管理, Lean Development, 项目管理, Strategy, Digital Strategy, 合同管理, Law, Mockups, 最小可行产品(MVP), 用户体验(UX), SEO Tools, Legal Research, 待完成的工作(JTBD), Compliance, 法规遵从性, Startups, 业务流程, 业务流程优化, 产品需求文件(PRD), 产品顾问, 早期的创业公司, Lead Generation, Business Cases, Pricing Strategy, 市场策, 双边市场, Growth Strategy, 客户的见解, 业务流程自动化, SEO Content, Fintech, Windows, 知识管理, Process Design, Process Modeling, 流程优化, Publishing, Reports, 商业策略, eCommerce, Budget Modeling, Aha!, ClickUp, 客户发现, 内容管理, Wireframing, 商业模式画布, Email Marketing, Product Growth, MVP Design, 业务建模, Market Research, 软件即服务(SaaS), 过程改进, 业务流程分析, 另类投资, 节演讲, Discovery, Capital Raising, Consulting, Service, Web Services, Content Strategy, 目录提交, 获取客户



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