工程 Management

Showing 1-7 of 14 results


The Importance of Written Communication for 工程 Teams

While good engineering managers can code, great ones can also communicate. Written communication is integral to the management and scaling of engineering teams, says Juan Pablo Buritica, who has led several successful teams of engineers.

Stephanie Emma Pfeffer

Stephanie Emma Pfeffer

Stephanie is a sought-after writer for bestselling publications, including New York Magazine.

A Day in the Life of an 工程 Manager

工程 managers tend to have a wide range of responsibilities. 在本文中, 卡尔•休斯, founder of Draft.dev, shares what a typical day in the life of an engineering manager looks like.



Karl is a former software engineering manager and CTO turned writer. He’s currently the founder of Draft.dev.

Toptal Webinar: How to Build and Scale a Remote 工程 Team

Building and scaling engineering teams is more complicated than just hiring additional people. As teams grow, everything has to change.

In the latest on-demand Toptal Webinar, our Vice President of R&D Bozhidar Batsov and Chief 人 Officer Michelle Labbe discuss how to build and scale best-in-class engineering teams.

< 5 minute read继续阅读



人, 产品, and 技术: A Beginner’s Guide to 工程 Management

What makes a successful engineering manager? Success usually depends on how managers lead their people, product, and technology.

在本文中, we examine what it takes to get started and progress in the engineering manager role.

Giorgi Dalakishvili

Giorgi Dalakishvili

Giorgi has worked on a variety of applications, ranging from mobile to console platforms. He also maintains several open-source projects on GitHub.

Watch Our Webinar: Leading a Distributed 工程 Team

Toptal was an early adopter of an all-remote business model. As one of the leading remote workforces worldwide, Toptal strives to engage with other thought leaders and innovators in this space.

In our latest on-demand webinar, Toptal 工程 Manager Marco Santos talks with James Bourne, Editor-in-Chief of TechForge Media, about best practices for remote engineering teams.

< 5 minute read继续阅读



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Software Engineer Performance Reviews Explained

Software development is a complex process, and evaluating the performance of software engineers can be too. Finding the right balance between complexity and practicality in software engineer performance reviews is vital.

在本文中, Toptal 工程 博客 Editor Nermin Hajdarbegovic outlines the difference between commonly used performance review models and discusses how they should be employed.



A veteran tech writer, Nermin helped create online publications covering everything from the semiconductor industry to cryptocurrencies.

Using the Radical Candor Framework for Effective 工程 Management

One tool that managers can consider adding to their management skill set is a practice called Radical Candor. Radical Candor is the ability to care emotionally about the engineer as an individual and valued contributor, while also expressing honesty concerning their efforts and results achieved by those efforts.



Peter is a technologist and editor on staff at Toptal, and speaks on software development, 测试, and DevOps at technical conferences worldwide.

Toptal 工程 专家


Gabriel is a highly efficient and reliable professional who possesses a broad skill set for web application development. He's been working on a range of products and clients—from working on scalability problems in production engineering teams at Shopify and Autodesk to launching new applications for startups. Most of his work consists of leading technical teams, by creating an easy development environment, fixing technical debts, providing best practices code examples, 指导开发者.



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